Après avoir été présentée à la "Nuit de la Photographie 2017", la série "Traumas" est désormais visible au Musée de la Photographie de Tbilisi en Géorgie.
" What has traumatized you? ", this is the question which Pierre Leblanc could have posed to the characters whom he constructs in scene. In a play of shadow and light, Pierre reveals the trace which each one of us can make every effort to chase away or to not acknowledge at all and that nevertheless colors the prism of our existence. The other, the speech, the acts; either real or reconstructed, fantasized or lived, this is what he puts before us and pushes us, one more time, to introspection.
“Traumas”, “Showroom”, “Discriminations”, “The Bench”. Questi sono i titoli di alcune serie fotografiche dell’artista francese, Pierre Leblanc. Se dai termini non sono chiari gl’intenti, gli scatti di Leblanc ci conducono in un viaggio di perdizione e disagio senza soluzione di continuità.
Una narrazione della commedia umana contemporanea, che non fornisce mai alibi o assoluzioni. I protagonisti delle fotografie di Pierre Leblanc, sono letteralmente perduti nel viaggio della vita e ne pagano le conseguenze. Ritratti violenti al neon che non vogliono nascondere i non detti. Non c’è spazio per la vergogna ma solo una malinconica consapevolezza di sbagliare. Le donne e gli uomini raccontati dal fotografo francese, rincorrono l’adrenalina fino alle estreme conclusioni come fosse l’unica medicina per vivere la quotidianità. Le atmosfere cupe, imbarazzanti e gelide, fanno trasparire l’imminente pericolo e la tragica conclusione delle proprie scelte....
Italy : "ArtAbout Magazine"
Italy : "ArtAbout Magazine"
Publication en Mai 2018 de ma série "Intérieurs" en Italie dans "ArtAbout Magazine".
A sharp look on a cracked up society.
If the expression « to be driving » often means that we are “master on board”, having control on our lives, I show here that it’s not always the case. As in the backyard of a mansion or the backstage of a theater, I propose through this series a point of view on what escapes most of the time to our eyes. Who has never dreamed of being invisible to be able to see forbidden scenes?
Cars cockpits are the set I use to depict our deepest states. Stopping the time in this private space, “Insides” reveals us as behind closed doors, the intimacy of drivers and their possible passengers, either it is made out of nice, absurd or horror. New, second-hand, rented or stolen, the car- as a mirror-carries us as the body is the vehicle of our souls.
This systematic artwork delivers us human being in all its states.
Publication sur 6 pages en Autriche de ma série "Traumas" dans Eye Photo Magazine (Mai 2018)
" Qu’est-ce qui vous a traumatisé ? ", voilà la question que Pierre Leblanc aurait pu poser aux personnages qu’il met en scène ici. Par son jeu d’ombres et de lumières, Pierre révèle la trace que chacun d’entre nous peut s’évertuer à chasser ou méconnaitre et qui conditionne pourtant le prisme de notre existence. L’autre, les discours, les actes, qu’ils soient réels ou reconstruits, fantasmés ou vécus, voilà ce qu’il nous met sous les yeux avec cette pente qui nous pousse, une fois de plus, à l’introspection.
" What has traumatized you? ", this is the question which Pierre Leblanc could have posed to the characters whom he constructs in scene. In a play of shadow and light, Pierre reveals the trace which each one of us can make every effort to chase away or to not acknowledge at all and that nevertheless colors the prism of our existence. The other, the speech, the acts; either real or reconstructed, fantasized or lived, this is what he puts before us and pushes us, one more time, to introspection.
In this ten diptych-series entitled "Showroom", Pierre Leblanc brings us inside the universe of drive and basic instincts.
In a peculiar scenery of an old-fashonied hotel room, he questions human sexuality oddities. As a "Showroom" of pleasure, the pictures highlight those "woman of easy virtue" who are seen as objects of desire and "flesh pieces dedicated to satisfaction". It also questions male's sexuality, in which men can hardly focus their desire and love on one woman only : what are they actually searching for in prostitutes' company ? As a way of understanding it, we could quote one of Freud's statement about men sexual confusion : "When they love they cannot desire, and when they desire they cannot love". You can feel a world of loneliness coming out of these diptychs : first of all the loneliness of these women considered as objects of satisfaction, but also the one from the inevitable sexual encounter with another body. In these pictures, fantasies stack up against morality, the unthought part of drive is highlighted ans despite your will, you are facing your own guilty pleasures.