Chine : Photo PopArt HK
PublicationNouvelle publication papier en Chine (Hong Kong) dans Photo PopArt. Une double page avec interview sur les séries "Le banc" et "Intérieurs".
The bench
In the construction of his human comedy, Pierre Leblanc culminates in the coherent conciliation of social and artistic dimensions. This balance is pretty rare to be indicated. More than a moralist, Pierre is an inspired aesthete who invents the visual pamphlet. He exhausts and sends signs of solidarity, messages of tenderness, he carries by the picture, in a brutal and incisive way, noble ideas, he does not hesitate to intersperse its visual declarations of unusual and funny bombs and on the stage of its objective, all the human theatre is played, sordid to funny, vile to poignant. The purpose here is not (only) to entice but to impact, rattle, destabilize, fluster, affect. The aim is to perforate the membrane of shifty and superficial look. Its photographs are occasions of duels, or embraces, confrontations or complicities, pictures which generate tensions, reactions, which take out the viewer of this kind of floating placidity which characterizes too often the look of the cultural tourist…
- Denys-Louis Colaux
Chine : Photonews
PublicationPublication le 07 Juin 2016 dans "Photonews Magazine" (Hong Kong) des séries "Intérieurs" et "Le banc"
The bench
In the construction of his human comedy, Pierre Leblanc culminates in the coherent conciliation of social and artistic dimensions. This balance is pretty rare to be indicated. More than a moralist, Pierre is an inspired aesthete who invents the visual pamphlet. He exhausts and sends signs of solidarity, messages of tenderness, he carries by the picture, in a brutal and incisive way, noble ideas, he does not hesitate to intersperse its visual declarations of unusual and funny bombs and on the stage of its objective, all the human theatre is played, sordid to funny, vile to poignant.
Everything is played out, everything takes place in the great human barnum, splendour and misery. Everything, with an acuteness, a devastating efficiency, is said about the being: the monster, the fallen angel, the animal, the meat, the flesh, the cold vertebrate, the ugly, the soiled, the malicious, the puppet, the shiver, the emotional, the misfit, the overwhelming… Work also consists of uncompromising radiography of humankind.
The purpose here is not (only) to entice but to impact, rattle, destabilize, fluster, affect. The aim is to perforate the membrane of shifty and superficial look. Its photographs are occasions of duels, or embraces, confrontations or complicities, pictures which generate tensions, reactions, which take out the viewer of this kind of floating placidity which characterizes too often the look of the cultural tourist…
- Denys-Louis Colaux
France : Vivre l'Art Magazine
PublicationDans l’édification de sa comédie humaine, Pierre Leblanc culmine dans la conciliation cohérente des dimensions sociale et artistique. Cet équilibre est assez rare pour être désigné. Plus qu’un moraliste, Pierre Leblanc est un esthète inspiré qui invente le pamphlet visuel. Il éreinte et adresse des signes de solidarité, des messages de tendresse, il porte par l’image, d'une façon brutale et incisive, des idées nobles, il n’hésite pas à parsemer ses déclarations visuelles de bombes insolites et drôles et sur la scène de son objectif, tout le théâtre humain se joue, du sordide au drôle, en passant par l’ignoble ou le poignant. Tout advient dans des lieux confinés : un banc dans un petit square, une automobile ... Ces microcosmes (ces foyers, lieux ardents de l'âtre humain) sont non point des réductions du monde mais des métonymies : tout s'y joue, tout y a lieu du grand barnum humain, splendeurs et misères. Tout, avec une acuité, une efficace foudroyante, y est dit de l'être : le monstre, l'ange déchu, l'animal, la viande, la chair, le vertébré froid, l'affreux, le sale, le méchant, le guignol, le frisson, l'émouvant, le paumé, le bouleversant. L'oeuvre consiste aussi en une intransigeante radiographie de l'espèce. Elle est également exhaussée d'icônes bouleversantes, profondes, remuantes...
- Denys-Louis Colaux
Vivre l'Art Magazine (Juin 2016)
Chine : Photonews Magazine
A sharp look on a cracked up society.
If the expression « to be driving » often means that we are “master on board”, having control on our lives, I show here that it’s not always the case. As in the backyard of a mansion or the backstage of a theater, I propose through this series a point of view on what escapes most of the time to our eyes. Who has never dreamed of being invisible to be able to see forbidden scenes?
Cars cockpits are the set I use to depict our deepest states. Stopping the time in this private space, “Insides” reveals us as behind closed doors, the intimacy of drivers and their possible passengers, either it is made out of nice, absurd or horror. New, second-hand, rented or stolen, the car- as a mirror-carries us as the body is the vehicle of our souls.
This systematic artwork delivers us human being in all its states.
Fasten your seatbelts and safe journey…